Palazzo Pitti Health Program

One of the most important things in the development of Palazzo Pitti is the daily Yoga practise. Without this discipline it would be very difficult to steer all the different people. It would be a Babylonian nightmare. From all the hundreds of volunteering helpers everyone brings a special ability but also all the psychotic patterns. The Yogic discipline balances these emotional and unconscious behaviours and helps to reach another state where unconscious behaviour turns into mindful and harmonious communication. This immediately has a positive influence on the work atmosphere in the house. The Yoga practise is based on the teachings of Yogi Bhajan and we selected and designed a setup in the morning Sadhana, which consists of
1 Reading the Japji
2 Sun Salutation
10 - 25 sun salutations is an excellent way to warm up the body and do the basic stretches for the day. It prepares for the next Yoga steps and wakes everyone physically up.
3 Ten bodies Krya
Everything what we do in Palazzo Pitti tries to tune our ability into a quality every moment. When many people coming together there is always the difficulty to calm down the different mindsets and reach another way of communication, tune the different mindsets to each other and bring the different personalities into a creative one.
We know that the ten bodies Krya is an intensive but fundamental set, because it reactivates many potentials which we felt to be lost on our path.
4 Sodarshan Shakra Krya
The Sodarshan Krya is like the last step to bliss. Mastering this 2 1/2 hours a day and Your day will melt in front of you like butter. All blockages disappear and a consistent balance with all the daily ups and downs make this life adorable.
Prevention Program
The infrastructure in Palazzo Pitti follows the policy of preventive healthcare. We are working with several institutes such as
1 Institute for Transcultural Health Sciences (IntraG)
The Institute for Transcultural Health Sciences studies issues of health and medicine from the perspective of cultural science.
Topics include the culture of medicine, medicines of the cultures of the world, health and disease in historical and global context, and disease prevention.
The Institute has set itself the task of providing a comprehensive, scientifically founded and interesting educational offer to people of all professional groups. As a private law training institute, we can always give the highest priority to the needs of the people of our time.
To bring the different techniques into practise and train it to teachers and pupils we building a landscape of prevention which is based on holistic medical approaches. Some of the approaches you find on the following webpages:
This article is under development and not finished. But we would like to share with You the developments and even if it is incomplete we like to invite You to follow the regular editions.